NEWS: “Pulsating Energy and Elasticity in Phrasing” 

Garrett Keast impresses Mannheim audiences with performances of Copland, Gershwin, Mintzer, and the saxophone quartet Clair Obscur!

Selection of press quotes:

“Garrett Keast” and the orchestra performed an especially fluid rendition of Aaron Copland’s El Salón México. They played as if they had never played anything but such truly American repertoire.  And that is what it sounded like: free, fluid, concentrated – a feast for the ears that was wildly applauded.”

Die Rheinpfalz Zeitung, February 2020

“Aaron Copland's El Salón México is more transparent, richer in nuance. One could hear precisely the tonal and rhythmic differentiations that Garrett Keast brought out with the Staatsphilharmonie, transforming the sparkling, sometimes accentuated surface of instrumental colors into tender melodic formations.”

“With A Symphonic Picture, based on music from Gershwin's Porgy and Bess, … full of pulsating energy and elasticity in phrasing, Garrett Keast and the orchestra drove the highly emotional events forward. A perfect finale...”

Mannheimer Morgen, February 2020

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